South Korea
Pasir Ris Secondary School embarked on her inaugural e-twinning programme with Suncheon Namsan Middle School from South Korea in 2021. The objectives of the e-twinning programme are as follows:
- Deepen in Pasirians the emerging 21CC of global awareness and cross-cultural skills and sensitivities
- Sensitise Pasirians to Singapore’s role and place in the emerging economic, educational and technological landscapes around the world through exposing them to schools and cities in Asia and ASEAN
- Strengthen Pasirians’ commitment and rootedness to Singapore.
A group of 15 Student Leaders took part in the e-twinning programme on 29 September 2021. PRSS students leverage their personal learning device (PLD) to meet their Korean counterparts virtually via the Zoom platform. Students from both sides introduced their countries and shared a glimpse of life as a student in their respective countries. PRSS students also introduced a few traditional games found in Singapore such as chapteh and five stones. The session culminated in a friendly competition where the students challenged each other in modified versions of these traditional games.