Co Curricular Activities
Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) are an integral part of the holistic, well-rounded education that PRSS seeks to provide. The school has a broad and diverse range of CCAs to cater to the different needs and interests of our students.
Our CCA Programme provides students with a platform to discover their interests and talents, as well as develop CCA-specific knowledge, skills, values and attitudes through sustained participation. CCA participation is compulsory for all students in secondary school. All students care expected to take part in at least one CCA from the four CCA groups:
- Uniformed groups
- Sports
- Performing Arts
- Clubs and societies
Students will be graded according to the LEAPs 2.0 system.
For more information, visit MOE LEAPs 2.0 for secondary school website.
CCA Participation
All students must enrolled in a CCA throughout their secondary education. Points will be awarded for participation only when attendance rate is above 75%. Students with poor CCA attendance (less than 75%) will be given a conduct grade of fair and their CCA points will not be computed for the year.
Students are encouraged to remain in the CCA assigned to them throughout their secondary education. Changing of CCA will only be considered due to medical reasons. In this case, the LEAPs 2.0 points will not be affected.
Students may participate in more than one CCA on a case by case basis approved by HOD PE/CCA.